Imagine a world where every child had their classroom teacher all to themselves, and their teacher was able to plan the school day with each child in mind. A day at school filled with lessons around your child’s interests, passions and abilities; a grown-up who immediately recognizes when your child is falling behind in learning or has extraordinary gifts beyond their years. Can you imagine how far your child could go in this world if your child’s teacher could tailor instruction and take advantage of every teachable moment?


The time adults spend interacting with young children is critical to their ability to succeed at home, in school and the community.

We know the adults in children’s lives are the educational and emotional interpreters of experience. It is through the give and take of human interaction that children practice turn taking, listening, speaking, and develop their feeling vocabularies to express their emotions in positive ways instead of acting on them by biting, hitting, kicking, screaming or worse.

The 2016 NCES Report on Education says children who demonstrate positive approaches to learning behaviors more frequently are those from more socioeconomically advantaged families and make greater gains in reading (3.4 points higher), mathematics (1.9 points higher), and science (1.3 points higher) between kindergarten and second grade than do their peers from lower socioeconomic households.

Did you know that young children’s ability to pay attention or follow directions can lead to seismic short and long term academic gains that meaningfully narrow the achievement gap, and most importantly can be taught in the early years?

  • Data is an untapped resource to provide the analytics teachers need to personalize instruction to foster both children’s development and knowledge. 


  • The time is now to use technology as a part of everyday life in the classroom to streamline and better manage the documentation process.

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